Clear Some Clutter When You Feel Stuck
Is there something you want but it just seems impossible for you?
Is there a decision you need to make but you’re paralyzed?
Do you feel upset, distressed, frustrated about something?
Go towards...your stuff. That’s right, stop fixating on the actual problem and make some decisions on the disorganized items that surround you.
The connection may not be so obvious, but your home is an external reflection of your inner self.
This can be a gentle, approachable technique to moving onward and upward from whatever it is you’re struggling with.
If you’re in your home or office, take a pause from reading this, and look around. What catches your eye as something that needs to be dealt with, that creates a charge for you? Is it un-opened mail, a to-do list that needs to be pared down, or an item you need to return to your friend? Taking a look at the stuff surrounding you can clue you into what’s weighing you down, zapping your energy, and stealing your clarity. Focus on resolving something here, however small, and see if dealing with that releases more energy and clarity for dealing with the actually bigger issue at hand.
An external illustration of postponed decisions
After honing my clutter-clearing muscle for years, I can attest that every item I own weighs on my psyche, often subconsciously. If I choose to resolve any unfinished business with something, whether it’s a messy drawer or that task that’s been on my to-do list for way too long, it indirectly frees up space inside me to get clarity on something else. Give it a try yourself, and see what happens.