The Most Insidious Form of Emotional Clutter
I’m always carving out time and effort for my own learning and growth, because I live by a simple truth: A person can only hold that sacred space for someone else to heal or grow if they’ve first done the work themselves.
Over the past year I’ve learned just how true that is, on the physiological level.
The biggest form of emotional clutter in my personal journey completely blindsided me. It’s been like a fish in water, not knowing that they’ve only ever known water.
I’m talking about trauma and my nervous system. And if I had to choose the single most insidious form of clutter that holds me back and weighs me down, it’s this.
And I’ve discovered I have a LOT of company. I’ve seen it time and again working with people as they get activated/triggered while processing through their stuff. Clearing physical clutter so often brings up to the surface what parts of you need attention, support, and healing.
This is why I became a Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath Certified Practitioner! After years of helping people organize their life from the inside out, I knew I needed to be professionally equipped to address the unprocessed trauma, if we ever truly want to achieve moving onward and upward.
If I could distill down the entire rigorous training into a few sentences for you, I would. But I believe the most critical message is this: Even if you haven’t experienced the trauma of war firsthand, or even if you grew up in what would be deemed a “normal” upbringing, we live in a traumatized world - and it may affect who you are more than you realize.
Maybe you grew up with emotionally unavailable parents.
Maybe you have to deal with incessant micro-traumas adversity brings.
Maybe you lost a loved one and you never felt like you truly integrated their death and was able to fully move onward.
The definition of trauma is a subjective experience of an event, or series of events, that overwhelms one’s capacity to cope.
And if you don’t process the trauma, your nervous, endocrine, and digestive systems, among others, function very differently than they can.
So if you want to get your sh*t together beyond your wildest dreams, feeling grounded and thinking clearly as your baseline, I can tell you it’s possible, and that I’m here to support you in the most effective ways I can.