Before & After - The Shed
On a recent sunny winter day my client and I unlocked the doors to their storage shed and slid the doors wide open. My eyes widened and my heart lifted. I thought, “Yaaaaaay a big ol’ mess! I can’t wait to organize this mess!!!”
Seriously, that is how I feel when I see big ol’ messes. Weird, I know. You can blame it on being a Virgo, I guess.
Here’s a visual of the aforementioned occurrence:
As we got started, I could see right away that this was a project do-able in a day, based on the number of bins/boxes, and a knowing of how fast my client typically can make decisions.
It never ceases to surprise me how much stuff can expand when you take it all out of the room to sort.
Channeling the method Mari Kondo uses, we took EVERYTHING out of the shed and sorted it into piles. We simultaneously weeded out items for donation, that belonged somewhere else, or that had become trash.
This step of sorting and weeding is usually what takes the longest amount of time.
The part of organizing everything back into bins, labeling the bins, and placing into the shed takes much less time, and is so satisfying…
The client was excited to have their bikes and books now easily accessible. AND, they now had a much needed outdoor (well-ventilated) area for constructing music and sound instruments. All that’s left to do is move a table in there!
If you want to better utilize your shed, consider getting some help! Whether it’s with a friend or a professional, It could be the difference between getting it done or not.
Stay safe, healthy, and clear out there!
*Consent was granted to share this client’s story.