Crafting Your Bookshelf - Part II
Part I of this three-part blog series discussed Functionality - a key component of any crafted bookshelf.
Let’s continue with…
I care about beauty in living and working spaces. This is something that sets my services apart. And I want to work with those of you who desire beauty for the sake of beauty in their living/working spaces, too.
How does one integrate beauty into their bookshelves? Start with these three questions:
Proportion and Symmetry. Humans like proportion and symmetry. It’s been scientifically shown that humans equate symmetry with beauty. Is there a balance in the number of books on the top shelf versus the bottom? Second from top versus second from bottom? Left to right? X-wise, top left versus bottom right and vice versa? Now, proportional balance doesn’t have to be achieved by just spreading out the books evenly - this is where you use other items to balance out the space. Take a step back to view your shelves, and with the whole view in mind, balance the view with your beautiful items from question #2 to balance the negative and positive space. I.e. bring your bookshelf into proportion and symmetry as a whole, where your eyes can “rest” while it’s in view. (Hey, if you get stuck or want input, comment below or email me.) And remember, humans see almost-perfect symmetry as beautiful, so don’t be a perfectionist!
2. What items do you own simply because they’re beautiful? Items of art? Treasured gifts? Display them on your shelf, or hanging near it, for yourself and guests to take in. I have this gorgeous sunset-colored ceramic dish with lid a dear friend gifted me - I get to display it on my shelf and it uplifts my spirit every time I lay eyes on it. Also, display the most beautiful books - the ones with covers/coloring that you adore - in a special/prominent way. Select those ones out and place them with a touch of thought.
3. Order. Humans also like some order. Arranging your books in a categorized way is something that actually enhances the beauty of them all together. How do I want to order my books? You have a few options, and I recommend organizing them based on what lights you up! (If you don’t know, try one way for a while, and change it up later if need be.) You can arrange by color (think The Home Edit’s rainbow-color-coding system), or book subject (like at a library), or by “to read,” “read (past tense),” “reference,” etc. Do whatever tickles your fancy, but do something that resembles a system to which you can abide.
To recap: Consider the symmetry and proportion of the bookshelf as a whole, include beautiful belongings precious to you, and order all the books to follow some system that will enhance the beauty, and joy evoked, from your bookshelf.
Last up I’m going to write about Elevation. What do I mean by that?! You’ll have to wait and see, but here’s a hint: Feng Shui and the senses :)
If you have any questions, email me! I’d love to hear from you.
Happy crafting your books!